2019 02.01 본사이전(G-Highcity)
Moved Head Office to G-Highcity
2018 04.12 산업통상자원부 “전문 무역상사” 지정(한국무역협회)
Accredited as “Certified Trading Company” by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(KITA)
2017 09.29 중소기업청 "경영 혁신형 중소기업" 선정
Accredited as "Management Innovation Company" by S. M. B Administration in Korea
2017 05.15 ‘GMD (글로벌 시장 개척 전문 기업)’ 선정
Appointed as ‘GMD (Global Market Developer)’ by S.M.B Administration in Korea
2016 01.01 산업통상자원부 “전문 무역상사” 지정(한국무역협회)
Accredited as “Certified Trading Company” by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(KITA)
2015 04.01 남미 파나마 법인 OKOMO INTERNATIONAL S.A. 와 Associated company 협약
Started cooperation with "OKOMO INTERNATIONAL S.A." as an associated company for South-America Biz.
2014 10.28 중소기업청 "경영 혁신형 중소기업" 선정
Accredited as "Management Innovation Company" by S. M. B Administration in Korea
2012 09.06 중소기업은행 IBK Family 기업 지정
Designated " IBK Corporate family" by Industrial Bank of Korea
2008 10.28 "경영 혁신형 중소기업" 선정
Accredited as "Management Innovation Company" by Korea Credit Guarantee Fund
2007 12.21 소년 소녀 가장 후원 개시
Started the Sponsorship for the Child-headed Household.
04.07 본사이전 (Samsung IT Valley)
Moved Head Office to Samsung IT Valley
2005 11.30 "1천만불 수출의 탑" 수상
Awarded "US $10,000,000 Export Tower"
01.27 '무의탁 독거 노인' 결연 후원 개시
Started the Charity Work for the old without dependents
2004 11.30 "최우수 경영자 모임" 회원 선정(국민은행)
Accredited as a member of CEO community
11.30 "500만불 수출의 탑" 수상
Awarded "US $5,000,000 Export Tower"
11.26 산업자원부장관 표창 수상(No. 56521)
Awarded Minister`s Prize from MOCIE.
2003 11.30 "300만불 수출의 탑" 수상
Awarded "US $3,000,000 Export Tower"
05.08 본사 이전 (구로 Digital Valley E-Space)
Moved Head Office to Digital Valley.
2000 03.30 대한 상공회의소 한국무역협회 회원 등록
Registered in KCCI and KITA
03.28 회사설립
Established Company
R-No. 812, 8th Daeryung Post Tower, Digital-Ro 26 Gil 43,
Guro-Gu, Seoul, Korea (Zip code : 08389)
Tel : 82-2-3415-0830 Fax : 82-2-3415-0830
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